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The Loudoun Contemporary Dance Company

The Loudoun Contemporary Dance Company (LCDC) is a pre-professional dance company that offers its dancers progressive education in the continually evolving language of the contemporary dance experience. LCDC gives the community a bold and unique performance season that encompasses all the versatility of contemporary dance.  Dancers are selected at a spring audition for the following August to June season. 


Our season includes:

  • a re-imagined contemporary version of a classical ballet;

  • a full-length pre-professional concert;

  • two high-caliber conventions and competitions, selected based on the quality of master class instruction, evaluation, and pre-professional opportunities; and

  • various community outreach events.

Auditions are open to Loudoun County dancers ages 6-19 for placement in the following groups: 

  • 1st or 2nd Company (LCDC pre-professional level for rising jazz VIII-X)

  • Apprentice (LCDC intermediate level for rising jazz VI-VII)

  • Junior Apprentice (LCDC beginner level for rising jazz III-V)

  • Pre-Apprentice/Stars (LCDC introductory level for rising jazz I-III & Mixed Level Jazz)


Loudoun TAPS! is incorporated into all levels of the LCDC.


LCDC members must meet the following summer and school-year class requirements:


Required classes:

  • graded level jazz I, II or III 

  • one hour of ballet per week

  • one-hour company class per week

Optional Electives: 

  • lyrical, hip-hop, contemporary, tap

Summer Requirements:

  • Intro to Jazz Intensive or Contemporary Camp (select one) 

  • 4 summer contemporary classes

  • Jazz/Tap/Musical Theatre camp recommended


Junior Apprentice (1st and 2nd companies)

Required Classes:

  • graded level jazz III, IV, or V

  • graded level ballet IV, V, or VI 

  • 1.5 hours company class per week

Optional Electives: 

  • lyrical, hip-hop, contemporary, tap

  • Turns & Leaps - strongly recommended

Summer Requirements:

  • Intro to Jazz Intensive for 2nd Company; Jazz Intensive, Intermediate for 1st Company   

  • 4 summer contemporary classes

  • Contemporary Camp recommended



Required Classes:

  • graded level jazz VI or VII

  • graded level ballet VII, VIII, or IX

  • Contemporary

  • Broadway Jazz 

  • 1.5 hours of company class per week

  • a conditioning class strongly recommended - Adv. Dancer Fundamentals or Core/Feet

  • Turns & Leaps - strongly recommended

Optional Electives: 

  • hip-hop, commercial jazz, modern, tap

Summer Requirements:

  • Jazz Intensive – Intermediate

  • 5 contemporary classes

  • Dance for Film recommended

  • Choreography workshop recommended


1st and 2nd Company

Required Classes:

  • graded level jazz VIII, IX, or X

  • graded level ballet IX or X

  • Contemporary

  • Commercial Jazz

  • 2.5 hours of company class per week

  • a conditioning class strongly recommended - Adv. Dancer Fundamentals or Core/Feet

  • Turns & Leaps - strongly recommended

Optional Electives:

  • hip-hop, Broadway Jazz, modern, tap

Summer requirements:

  • Jazz Intensive – Advanced

  • 5 contemporary classes

Audition Information

May 19, 2024

Ages 9-20


May 19, 2024 - Auditions $20/dancer:

12:00-12:30 pm:  Mini's & Pre-Apprentices (Rising levels: Jazz I-II & Mixed level Jazz, Ballet II-III)

12:30-1:00 pm: Jr. Apprentices (Rising levels: Jazz III-V, Ballet IV-VI)

1:00-1:30 pm: Apprentices (Rising levels: Jazz VI-VII, Ballet VII-VIII)

1:30-2:00 pm:  Company Dancer (Rising levels: Jazz VIII-X, Ballet IX/IX)

  • Mini's

    • A minimum of 1 year of dance

    • Must be in Jazz I or a Mixed level Jazz

    • Must be 6 years old by September 30, 2024

  • Pre-Apprentices (1st & 2nd Companies)

    • A minimum of 2 years of Ballet, Plus one year of Jazz Must have completed Jazz II or III

    • Must be 7 years old by September 30, 2024

  • Junior Apprentices (1st & 2nd Companies)

    • A minimum of 3 years of Ballet

    • Completed Jazz III or IV

    • Dancers must be nine years old by September 30, 2024

  • Apprentices (1st & 2nd Companies)

    • A minimum of 4 years of Ballet

    • Completed Jazz IV, V, VI

    • Dancers must be 10 years old by September 30, 2024

  • Company Dancers (1st & 2nd Companies)

    • A minimum of 5 years of Ballet

    • Completed Jazz VII, VIII, IX, or X

    • Dancers must be 11 years old by September 30, 2024

Upcoming Performances

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